By Caroline Carman, 3/2 MBA Class of 2021
As I enter my last semester of the Kelley School’s 3/2 MBA program, I can confidently say that enrolling in this program and earning this degree is the best academic decision I could have made. Upon entering the Kelley School of Business my freshman year, I had career hopes and dreams of becoming a public accountant. As I took more classes and explored all that Kelley had to offer, I realized that my academic strengths and interest lied more with a career in finance. Enrolling in the 3/2 MBA program allowed me to further explore this interest and better learn about this industry. The program gave me both the skill set and the confidence to be versatile.
In the business world, versatility is one of the most important traits you can have. As a businessperson, you have to understand many different departments, and perform many different functions within the corporation. Additionally, you must be able to shift strategies and adapt to changes in the greater macroeconomic environment on a frequent, and on most occasions, unexpected basis. The 3/2 MBA curriculum is diverse and dynamic, allowing students to learn a wide variety of skills to make them versatile in the work force. The program tests your preparedness and adaptability, and enhances students’ abilities to be versatile in the corporate world.
As a student in the 3/2 MBA program, I have gained invaluable real-world experience. Throughout my time in the program I have worked alongside classmates on case competitions for Fortune 500 companies, completed an internship with Indiana University’s Financial Management Services, and consulted for a prominent Bloomington business to help diversify revenue streams amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these unique experiences taught me new skills and introduced me to new professionals in the field. I am a more versatile student because of the real-world experiences the 3/2 MBA program has exposed me to.
For anyone considering the 3/2 MBA program I urge you to visualize where you see yourself as a student and soon-to-be business professional in the next five years. If you want to enter the workforce as your most confident and versatile self, enroll in the 3/2 MBA program and see where your education can take you!
Thanks to the 3/2 MBA program, after graduation I look forward to starting my career in banking at J.P. Morgan in Chicago. If I can be of any help or guidance to you as you make this pivotal decision in your education, please do not hesitate to reach out!
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