By Kyle Tackett, 3/2 MBA Class of 2022
What do you want to do when you grow up?
For many growing up, that is a question with infinite possibilities. I remember that in first grade, I wanted to be a water park designer. I continued to ask myself this question throughout school, and I continued to jump from one career to the next. In fact, I made the switch from Pre-Med to Media to Business all in the same day that I submitted my application to IU! From here, as I focused on a business career, my career options became more defined and narrower, and I eventually discovered that I wanted to do something in accounting.
I didn’t know much about what accountants did. I knew that I loved to travel and that I would get to see new places and meet new people if I pursued a career in public accounting. Yet, at the end of the day, I didn’t even know the differences between a public and corporate role in accounting. There was a lot I needed to learn, and through Dave Green’s Spring Training, I was thrown into a pool of infinite possibilities.
Networking with 3/2 MBA alumni every Friday in Spring Training made it all possible. Meeting the alumni, exploring different careers, and eventually completing our career profiles assignment gave me access to over thirty career opportunities in finance and accounting. From this, a career in audit became a more attractive career option for me. I enjoyed being able to work with others and communicate with people in many different industries. Through my conversation with my audit professor, Professor Schroeder, I learned that film accounting was even a career that accountants specialize in.
What does one even do in film accounting? And what makes it so different from other types of accounting? I began asking these questions eager for answers. I talked to alumni that worked for EY, the firm I was most interested in joining, and to my surprise, I learned that they audit a significant part of media companies in Los Angeles. From this point forward, things became clear to me, and I began to learn what I was truly passionate about. I proceeded to land my dream internship at EY and began to work as an Audit Intern in the media and entertainment industry in Los Angeles.
This internship confirmed that this career was for me. I got to explore and do some industry research on the entertainment industry. I also connected with talented and motivated individuals who gave me countless opportunities to explore the field. My coworkers appreciated my curiosity, and from this point, I decided that entertainment accounting was the field for me. Next year, I’ll be starting full-time in Los Angeles in EY, and I am so excited to work with creative individuals on projects that have the potential to be seen by millions of people.
My career journey is just getting started, but over the past two years in this program, I have learned countless things about myself and potential careers that allow me to pursue my dreams. To those who are still up in the air about their career aspirations, my advice is to be curious and network with people you are genuinely interested in getting to know.
The path to deciding what you want to do in life is not linear, so have an open mind, explore different potential hobbies, and share those passions with the world. Every now and then, there might be someone that can get you your dream job.
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